
I’ve lived and worked in many Mediterranean countries with amazing year-round climates which I love and always come back to.

The wonders of Greek Mythology are present in Cyprus  – Athens has the goddess Athena, goddess of wisdom and war and patroness of the city. Cyprus has Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

We only live once, so why not enjoy it? If we can’t live in a beautiful country, then the next best thing is to enjoy one of these magical places for a couple of weeks each year. The weather in Greece and Cyprus is glorious and something well known is the Mediterranean diet, so if you want to stay young and healthy, this is the place to live.

With such an abundance of fruit and veggies at affordable prices, a wonderful climate, is it any wonder so many people are now desperate to find a place here? Many people enjoy traveling and experiencing new countries and cultures, others enjoy surfing the web from the comfort of their home. If you come to Cyprus, I hope you have a great time!


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